hot dog on a plate

Can You Freeze Hot Dogs? Here’s How

If you’re wondering whether it’s possible to freeze hot dogs, the answer is yes! Freezing hot dogs is a great way to extend their shelf life and ensure that you always have some on hand for a quick and easy meal. In this article, I’ll explain how to do this properly so that you can maintain the quality and taste.

So, Can You?

Yes, you can freeze hot dogs for up to 3 months. The approach I take when freezing hot dogs is to drain them if they’re in liquid, bag them up, seal the bags up, and then place them into the freezer.

How To Do It

man holding hot dog

Raw hot dogs will need to be frozen as soon as you get them home or within a few hours.

If you have unopened hot dogs, then you can put the whole unopened package into the freezer.

I usually add the date first, so grab a pen and do that before placing the whole package into the freezer. If you have opened hot dogs that haven’t been frozen, then you can use this method.

  1. Drain and Store: Drain the hotdogs and pop them into the container. A good-quality, thick freezer bag will do the trick here, but I also sometimes use a Tupperware container.
  2. Seal: Seal the container or bag tightly. If you can squeeze out any excess air, then do this too.
  3. Label and Freeze: Label the bag with the date and then pop the hot dogs into the freezer.

This method works well for traditional beef dogs, pork hot dogs, or even lamb hot dogs. In fact, I also use this method for freezing sausages.

How to Freeze-Tinned Hot Dogs

Once opened, you should eat them within one to two days. If you have leftover tinned hot dogs, you can freeze them by following the same method I mentioned above and freezing them immediately after opening the tin.

Tips for Freezing

Now that you know how to freeze them, I’ve got some tips that I strongly recommend following when freezing hot dogs to get the best results:

Label Clearly

label your frozen items - freezing hot dogs

It is especially important if you have frozen both vegetarian and meat hot dogs, as it can be difficult to differentiate between them once they’re frozen. Use a marker or pencil that leaves a clear trace and cannot be erased by moisture.

Freeze In Portions

freezer bags with hot dogs

Unfreezing can be annoying. Also, you should never freeze one again after it is unfrozen. My favorite choice is to freeze a pack of 2 to 4.

Store as a Meal

hot dog and souce

Hot dogs can be added to various meals, such as pasta sauce, stew, or pie, and frozen for later.

How Long Can You Freeze Hot Dogs?

I typically keep hot dogs stored in the freezer for a maximum of three months. After this time, the quality usually deteriorates, which leads to changes in texture and taste. With all that said, three months is plenty of time.

It’s also important to mention that if you have purchased frozen hot dogs, check the packaging for information on how long they can be stored in the freezer.

Unopened hot dogs will usually last for weeks, but it’s best to check the label. Once opened, use them within 5 to 7 days.

How Do You Defrost?

Hot dogs should be thawed out fully before cooking unless the packaging on your hot dogs says otherwise. To do this, I usually pop a couple of hot dogs into a bowl in the fridge and let it defrost for several hours.

Sometimes, I can prepare in advance, and then I pop the frozen hot dogs into the fridge before going to bed so they will be ready the next day.

Hot Dogs in a bowl of water

Can You Refreeze?

I don’t recommend refreezing hot dogs, even if I thawed and cooked them. Freezing and heating can increase bacterial growth, which can lead to foodborne illnesses.

Therefore, it’s crucial to be cautious when dealing with frozen hot dogs, as they cannot be refrozen once thawed and heated. It’s best to use them within a couple of days or dispose of them if you can’t use them promptly.

How to Tell if Hotdogs Are Spoiled?

hot dog

1. Package Expiration Date

Begin by checking the package’s expiration date. If it has expired for a long time, it’s a clear indication that the hotdogs have gone bad and should be thrown away.

2. The Smell

Take a good sniff of the hotdogs. If they smell odd, rotten, or off in any way, it’s an indication that they have spoiled, so throw them away immediately.

3. The Color

Check the color of the hotdogs; if they appear discolored, gray, green, purple, or have any signs of mold, they should be discarded.

4. The Texture

Examine the texture of the hotdogs. If they feel abnormal, slimy, or mushy, it’s an indication that they have gone bad.


So, here’s the lowdown on freezing hot dogs: it’s totally doable and actually pretty darn easy. I just pop them in a freezer bag, squeeze out the air, and stash them in the freezer. They’re perfect for when I’m in a pinch and need a quick meal.

Plus, they last for months, which is pretty cool. Just remember to thaw them safely before use.

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